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The blog for the coolest 6th graders!!! Here you will find everything you need to learn English and Science this course. Kisses, Cris...

martes, 7 de febrero de 2017


Modern Spain: the 19th century Unit 3 (La España Moderna: el siglo XIX)

abolished = abolido

absolute monarch = monarquía absoluta

bourgeoisie = burguesía, clase media

Carlist Wars= Guerras Carlistas

Carlist= Carlista

colonist= colono, colonizador

conservative= conservador

constitution = constitución

defeat = derrota

disaster = desastre

empire = imperio

equality = igualdad

estate= estado

executive branch = rama ejecutiva

factory = fábrica

fraternity = fraternidad

guerrilla war = guerra de guerrillas

Industrial Revolution = Revolución Industrial

inherit = heredar

judicial branch = rama judicial

legislative branch = rama legislativa

liberal = liberal

liberty = libertad

limited = limitado

middle class = clase media

military coup = golpe de estado

proletariat = proletariado

republic = república

separate = separar

steam engine = máquina de vapor

support = apoyar

tax = impuesto

transport = transportar, transporte

upper class = clase alta

weaker = más débil

working class = clase trabajadora

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